Learn Today Lead Tomorrow

Chettinadu Public School is the first CBSE affiliated Private Co-educational School at Karaikudi in grades KG through 12 which sets the real standards of International Education and CPS is the first CBSE School in Sivagangai District to have a tie up with British Council and to win the International School Award of British Council for the research and exploration of curriculum in a ground-breaking and innovative way. The outstanding academic programs and the exceptional student experience we extend have helped us to receive the highest accolade of all.
Our School

CPS educates our future leaders with dedicated and talented educators, driven by a common vision.

CPS focuses on social skills, life skills and STEM skills to nurture the young minds of tomorrow.
Facilities and Infrastructure

Facilities and Infrastructure
CPS focuses on 21st century skills for a wholesome and child centric growth.
Life At School

Our Top Accreditations

Wisdom Awards

Educational World
Awards 2023



Student-Teacher Ratio
CPS Campus

Busing is available at your door step to the school at the start and the school to your door step at day end.

There are separate boarding for boys and girls, administered by respective superintendents.

Smart Classroom
An important part of the global network of the British Council’s International School Award-Winning CPS.
Providing Better Education For Brighter future
Education is for the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth, And something beyond all other devices of human origin.
Parent Testimonials
Er. CS.Karpagam M.Tech
CPS for education, punctuality, friendliness, discipline, socio-environmental welfare, etc.

Er. CS.Karpagam M.Tech
Dr. Sukumar
Chettinadu Public School for a nurturing and enriching educational experience.

Dr. Sukumar
Dr. Prabhu
I am profoundly happy to have a wonderful school in the town where I live.

Dr. Prabhu
Prof.Sujatha Malini
Teachers with academic eminence, indefatigable administrators, and inspired students -the three pillars that sustain the perfect structure of CPS.

Prof.Sujatha Malini
Dr. Mohammed Ismail
An ideal school for children to reach their destination… not only for academic enhancement.

Dr. Mohammed Ismail
Best Performers
Birthday Wishes
Limitless Learning, Limitless Possibilities
Call Us For queries
(+91) 94423 74444
Know more about our Alumni
Alumni are lighthouses and benchmark setters to our future leaders to break. Our eminent alumni bring laurels to our school.
My remarkable time at CPS, with its academic support, enriching experiences, valuable life lessons, and inspiring teachers, has profoundly shaped who I am today.

From a proud alumnus of CPS was my home for seven formative years, where dedicated teachers and staff nurtured my academic growth, life skills, and sense of community, cherished impact on my life.