Chettinadu Public School is the first CBSE affiliated Private Co-educational School at Karaikudi in grades KG through 12 which sets the real standards of International Education and CPS is the first CBSE School in Sivagangai District to have a tie up with British Council and to win the International School Award of British Council for the research and exploration of curriculum in a ground-breaking and innovative way. The outstanding academic programs and the exceptional student experience we extend have helped us to receive the highest accolade of all.
We are just more than an academic institution. Our philosophy encompasses the students’ whole personality and emphasizes balanced development. The unique motto of our school is ‘Learn Today, Lead Tomorrow’ with an exceptional aim to shape children into wholesome personalities through an equal emphasis on Academics, Fine Arts, Sports, and other extracurricular activities. Not only are their inborn talents identified at a young age, they are also encouraged to bloom under our care by creating a sense in the students that the school is a home away from home which enables them to start their daily routine with yoga for augmenting a fresh creative mind-set and to enrich their health, nutritious breakfast.

The Teacher/Student ratio at CPS guarantees one-on-one attention and care for all students, nurturing them both academically and socially. The biggest common attribute among the teachers and trainers here is their love for teaching and their wholehearted commitment towards the growth of each student. Our goal is to provide a caring environment tailored to the academic and personal needs of each child.
CPS emphasizes on enhancing the personality of the students in Primary and Secondary sessions with various extra-curricular activities like dance, music, art, and writing workshops and advances their conceptual knowledge with lab activities that ignite their knowledge with experimental learning.

We aspire to bolster our Senior Secondary Students to face the hard-hitting competitive world to create a professional identity, we offer IITJEE and NEET Coaching besides the regular academic sessions.
Our unique lush campus located amidst serene backdrops and a wide range of excellent conveniences, provides an outstanding environment for learning and excelling. Whether it is the regular teachings or revisions, co-curricular activities, or sports, children are much happier to come to school every day.