Chettinadu Educational Trust


Chettinadu Educational Trust is steadfast to Shri.S.P.Kumaresan, who is a man with a vision, a pioneer industrialist, an educationist, and a philanthropist. This trust is a realization of the dreams of the great visionary, the honorable Chairman Shri.S.P.Kumaresan. Initially, the trust was started in 2010 to educate the children of the remote background of Sivagangai District.

Education is critical to the alleviation of poverty; it improves health and productivity, drives gender parity, and promotes opportunities for upward mobility. It is the foundation of the nation’s socio-economic development and can be considered the most important investment for progress.

From an individual perspective, education sparks a pursuit of knowledge and love for learning, fosters confidence and self-esteem, and helps individuals maximize their potential and engage in a meaningful manner in the civic, economic, cultural, and social aspects of society.

Currently, through the education portfolio, Chettinadu Educational Trust strives to provide ‘Authentic learning for all’ comprehensively and holistically. The goal is to provide high-quality, authentic, real-world, active learning experiences that mold productive and well-rounded 21st-century citizens while also working to ensure equitable access to these learning opportunities.

The other members of the trust are Shri.K.Arun Kumar B.E, M.S, the Vice-Chairman, Shrimathi Shanti Kumaresan, Shrimathi Vallikkannu Vairavan, and Dr.Somasundaram.

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