Envisioned as a holistic educational ecosystem that prides itself on being a nurturing community of students who are in the age group of 10-17, Chettinadu Public School offers world-class boarding and lodging facilities that help make it a home away from home. Fully equipped and air conditioned residential accommodation with on-campus facilities, the school has separate wings in the hostel for girls and boys supervised by house parents and other residential staff.
There are separate boarding for boys and girls, administered by respective superintendents. Boarding teachers stay fulltime with the students and look after all their needs, be it academic or personal. Special attention is provided to the junior boarders, who are under the motherly care of trained lady attendants throughout the day and night.
Laying equal emphasis on a healthy balance between academic and extracurricular activities, the residential schedule has been premeditated carefully to ensure a well-rounded development. Devoting equal time to academic progress and learning along with physical activities and sports throughout the week, the weekends are dedicated towards educational and recreational activities. Reception with TV and reading lounge, Recreational Hall for practicing music, dance, yoga and meditation, study room, prayer hall, dining hall and laundry services are provided to the boarders.

Features of Hostel
- Normal day starts at 5.30 AM with Yoga Practices
- Milk is served at 6.00 AM
- Study Time from 6.15 AM-7.15 AM
- Sports Time from 4.00 PM-5.30 PM
- Refreshment at 5.30 PM
- Evening Study Time from 6.15 PM-8.00 PM
- Dinner -8.00 PM-8.30 PM
- Night Study from 9.00 PM-10.00 PM
- Round the clock vehicle facility for emergency